
Story of an Acorn

I am a little acorn
so proud and strong.

When my time comes
I may choose to become a Oak Tree
food for the forest creatures great and small.

I come from the Oak Tree who graciously
spreads those towering limbs above for shade.
Little by little as the acorn said.
I am healthy and strong a bit proud to say
as I slowly sink into my mossy bed.
Hidden deep in the earth away
hiding from all by day.
As I grew getting stronger each day
My roots grow hidden deep in the earth away.
Downward I send out a thread like root
Going deeper n deeper each day as I sipped the dew.
Striving deeper n deeper attaching myself to the earth
One day up in the air I sprung a tiny shoot,
Day after day and year after year
Up I grew
Little by little my leaves appear
strong and stout as I proudly stand
My splender branches spread far and wide.
Till the mighty Oak Tree is the Forest pride!

I am a little Acorn
so proud and strong.

I fell by the way side
Unable to root.
As I lay upon the ground
I become nourshing food 
for the great and small creatures
of this Forest I love.
Don't be sad for me I say,
Not all of us can be a tree
To be able to give something back
is the grandest gift that I can give.

I am a little Acorn
so proud and strong!
Ranie Patridis


Puzzle Post Card

Time comes, time goes by
as you put the pieces together
one by one.

Sometimes they fit
sometimes they don't
you never give up looking for the right piece.

Tis the puzzle of it all.
Ranie Patridis