

Better than grandeur, better than gold,
Than rank and titles a thousandfold,
Is a healthy body and a mind at ease,
And simple pleasures that always please.
A heart that can feel for another's woe,
And share his joys with a genial glow;
With sympathies large enough to enfold
All men as brothers, is better than gold.
Better than gold is a conscience clear,
Though toiling for bread in an humble sphere,
Doubly blessed with content and health,
Untried by the lusts and cares of wealth,
Lowly living and lofty thought
Adorn and ennoble a poor man's cot;
For mind and morals in nature's plan
Are the genuine tests of an earnest man.
Better than gold is a peaceful home
Where all the fireside characters come,
The shrine of love, the heaven of life,
Hallowed by mother, or sister, or wife.
However humble the home may be,
Or tried with sorrow by heaven's decree,
The blessing that never were bought or sold,
And center there, are better than gold.
Abram J. Ryan


I'm Back Once Again

Well, I believe I am back for sure now. ..*smile*.. I got my computer back, I got on it made a entry here and a couple of other place and BAM my computer locked up and went down. Talk about being disappointed. I have been on line now for about a week now and so far so good. So I think I am here for good. I have been catching up on my Art groups, it was nice to be able to up load my pictures. It is amazing how you feel so lost when you are not able to get on the computer. While down though I did get a lot of yard work done and there is so much more to do. I don't know where all these weeds came from and the tree's they have grown so fast and needed pruning desperately. Oh my, what a mess it still is a mess but look a whole lot nicer now. Well my friends, I shall be back tomorrow take care have a wonderful creative day!